Sunday, April 15, 2012

Run Another Race

Who on earth invented the sport of running?
I curse them every single time I lace up my dang sneaks.
I would have done anything this morning to have hit the snooze button and gone back to bed, but alas, there was a Transplant Trot to run, and thereby another item to cross off the list. Today was (or better said - is) a beautiful and crisp day in downtown Freddy, and a perfect day for a little trot around the city. I hit the mean streets with MzNut, and despite crying over aching calves for the first four km, I had an enjoyable morning.
I keep hearing all these people who love running, and the city's streets were alive with people out enjoying the day, so maybe if I keep at it, I will one day reach that runner's high.
Until then I will fight my way though it wearing as many colours as humanly possible!

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