Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ride the Fredericton Bus

...albeit only one stop!!  (Wasn't exactly sure the route I was on, so ended up taking the bus half way up the hill just in case the bus took a rapid turn towards the Miramichi - which then again wouldn't be so bad as I could have gone fishing!)

I think I giggled all the way to school so happy that I could cross another thing off my list.  Funny though ... I could have walked to school in the time that it took me to wait for the bus.  (This particular bus ran every 30 mins, though there is no sign to tell you that!  And of course, there are never buses running on Sunday! Gives me more time to go broach shopping or go to church on Sunday)  I realized as I was standing there in the nice sunny weather that I am not a very good beck and call girl.  I would much rather just walk the 17 minutes to school, then rush to get to the stop and wait for a bus.

And I would have to make sure that I rode the wheels a bit longer next time.  $2.25 for a 2 minute ride (but it was uphill....!!) is more expensive than the Toronto Midway (though I think I saw some characters on the bus this morning which made it kinda like a midway!)

So I can proudly say I have taken a ride on the Fredericton bus.  My next plan is to take the bus up to the Hilltop Tavern!!

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