Thursday, April 26, 2012

Go to the 20/20 Club

I have been asking/begging to go to the 20/20 club and I have never really known why.  It is kind of in the parking lot of the Sobey's near my house and it always seems so enticing to go there (maybe the slogan on the sign of being the right spot, or the fact that one could get it confused with the local attention disorder clinic!  Lord knows I cannot find a doctor here, so if going to the 20/20 gets me closer, well then ...)

I think I have romanticized my visit to the 20/20 over the past 8 months. And man, my under achieving thoughts of this place were blown out of the water.  It actually seems like a nice place!!! Nice dance floor, great seating, and what's that you say, fantastic karaoke on Thursday nights.  Don't mind if I do!!  The sweetest people were kind enough to endulge yours truly belt through Barry Manilow's greatest hit "Copa".  Was so happy people got up to dance to my man voice (would blame it on my cold but maybe I just have a low singing voice?!?) and enjoyed my awesome dance moves.  Once in a lifetime folks!

Awesome evening!  Just wish singing in front of a crowd was its own entry!!

Adios Carlitos!

I regret saying this is the end of Carlos and the Crazy Burrito! It was a good 8 months ago that I meet the Sweetest people ever - and I am sooo happy to have them in my life ever since.  I will miss the guach, I will miss the big beers (though now we have the glasses I will ask for fancy exports in them when I visit said sweets), but I will miss going for Mexican with my good friends.

Danke F&J for the resto introduction.  It was a fanastic time there.

Now F - hold old your hand whilst I pour in some crazy hot sauce for old time sake!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ride the Fredericton Bus

...albeit only one stop!!  (Wasn't exactly sure the route I was on, so ended up taking the bus half way up the hill just in case the bus took a rapid turn towards the Miramichi - which then again wouldn't be so bad as I could have gone fishing!)

I think I giggled all the way to school so happy that I could cross another thing off my list.  Funny though ... I could have walked to school in the time that it took me to wait for the bus.  (This particular bus ran every 30 mins, though there is no sign to tell you that!  And of course, there are never buses running on Sunday! Gives me more time to go broach shopping or go to church on Sunday)  I realized as I was standing there in the nice sunny weather that I am not a very good beck and call girl.  I would much rather just walk the 17 minutes to school, then rush to get to the stop and wait for a bus.

And I would have to make sure that I rode the wheels a bit longer next time.  $2.25 for a 2 minute ride (but it was uphill....!!) is more expensive than the Toronto Midway (though I think I saw some characters on the bus this morning which made it kinda like a midway!)

So I can proudly say I have taken a ride on the Fredericton bus.  My next plan is to take the bus up to the Hilltop Tavern!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Run Another Race

Who on earth invented the sport of running?
I curse them every single time I lace up my dang sneaks.
I would have done anything this morning to have hit the snooze button and gone back to bed, but alas, there was a Transplant Trot to run, and thereby another item to cross off the list. Today was (or better said - is) a beautiful and crisp day in downtown Freddy, and a perfect day for a little trot around the city. I hit the mean streets with MzNut, and despite crying over aching calves for the first four km, I had an enjoyable morning.
I keep hearing all these people who love running, and the city's streets were alive with people out enjoying the day, so maybe if I keep at it, I will one day reach that runner's high.
Until then I will fight my way though it wearing as many colours as humanly possible!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Award Ceremony Time

Pat on the Back time - (and time take off some of the entries that are making the top of this blog look funny!)
For dressing up as a maniquin in the mall I give myself a puppet award (cause F chose the outfit and I did what she said!)
For my UNB jacket I will go with ...
The Maritime badge. A rare one that was only awarded in the 1980s. I thought it fitting!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Red Lantern (it was it's own post!!!)

Just re-read my list and this was an entry!!! Another one bites the dust!!

Tonight I joined F&J for an outting to the elusive North Side. And to the soon-to-be-infamous Red Lantern. (It was almost its own entry on this list of fun!) A very interesting place!

And seeing as that I had one chip, I will semi-count it as a place I have dined! Great times sweets!

Wear my vintage UNB Letterman Jacket out in public

My dearest mommy found this jacket in Toronto of all places. I heart it. Now that the weather is finally above freezing I can bring it out for a good time. I love that this leather is the loudest thing ever, and that it is a '74 jacket. Very vintage, and very fun!! Danke Ann!! Rest assured I am getting good use of my jacket!!

Dress up in a Maniquin outfit from the mall

Dear Samuel and Co,
Your window dressings suck. (I hate the word "suck" but I feel it is appropriate here!)
Over the course of this year I have seen awful prom dresses, ladies who cruise (whom I would never have a drink with!!), and some really ... interesting outfits! Some of my greatest memories this year have been checking out said outfits with my sweetest friend. What great giggles we have had. So it was only fitting (pardon the obvious pun as I am about to try on clothes) that Colleen's sister joined me for this leg of my adventure. She picked out the most hideous top they had in the window, and I was more than happy to model it. (I am just so thankful I didn't pee my pants laughing as I did this!!!)
So by trying this on I achieve a badge. Thanks F!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Hit up three new restos (two and a half down)

I am only scoring this a half point. It wasn't because I didn't actually go to this establisment with the intent of eating, but I am not counting it fully as I don't want to get this badge too quickly! So many restos left to try!

Last night I ate dinner-ish at the Cedar Tree Cafe. I had a lovely middle eastern buffet with 6oish of my closest new friends. The event was the CLS End of Year Coffee house, and I am going to vote it a HUGE success (LBC - did you just feel that?!? That was me giving you a big hug and pat on the back!) I was so very proud of my student who performed, as well as for all the others who showcased their amazing talents. I thought it was such a special evening! I thoroughly enjoyed the Russian dance segment and a great rendition of "Bandages". Now I just have to find that Super Mario love game song!

A fantastic evening - and I guess it also partially counts towards attending another concert badge!

Update: found the song. What a fantastic job you did LBC. I need a "I heart Germany" song for next year!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Charlotte Street Arts Centre

I live a short par 4 away from this fine establishment. It looks to be an old school that has been converted into centre for ... the arts! I have passed by many times and have wanted to check it out, but as one does, I had yet to have gone in. On Thursday night a MAAC student was putting on an Improv/Comedy show about social media, and I was excited to check it out. The show was fun (for the most part - still reeling about one stand up arse) and the space was really cool.

Should really check out a class there, or try the Belgian cafe! Will save that for another list!