Saturday, May 5, 2012

Go to Science East

After a week of this spring cold kicking my rear, I was stir crazy and ready to check off some more items off the list.  En route to doing some menial chores I decided to pop into Science East.  (Had visited Science North as part of a class field trip and now wonder where Science West and South are located!!!)

I joined ICOM - the international council of museums - many moons ago and love the perk of having a magic card (that looks like a home made piece of white plastic) that will get me into any museum, art gallery, science centre, etc. in the world for free.  (My sister would be laughing at this point ....)   When you pull out said magic card normally the employees are rather confused, but also kind of in awe.  If they don't accept the card you can kindly suggest you will report them to some museum police for not being a reputable institution.  (Oh Saskatoon Prairie Museum you almost got reported!!)  Over the years I have visited many a fine museum and brought along friends for free with said magic card (still laughing now Lyd?!?)

So I decided to visit Science East - located in a former gaol that was in use here in Freddy until the late 90s.  (A slight fight ensued with the lady who worked there over the validity of the ICOM card - after I said it worked at Science North she let me run amok in the clink!)  A very nice museum!!  It would be better if I was a kid - or with a kid - as much of the centre was designed for children.  My favourite part about the whole place was the basement section devoted to the history of the building as a jail, and some neat exhibitions on DNA.  The whole building is architectural fascining - and cool that a jail was located right within the heart of Freddy. And it is great that so much of the jail history has been preserved within the science centre.

Highly recommendable!!

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