Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Catch a lobster

Ahhhhh...... my Pièce de résistance!

I honestly cannot believe this happened - and thank you soooooooooooooo much Sweetest people for making this happen.  I am excited beyond what you will ever know.  I know this was such a special event - and I am very very thankful!

I must say that I lurve lobster!  I am a proud pescitarian, and although I have no idea what a good steak tastes like, I know how great a lovely lobster goes down.  My mom has said that as a small child when I would be asked what I want for dinner, my response was often "just a little lobster".  What an amazing opportunity to join K on his boat at the crack of dawn and fish the waters for those lovely morsels!

I learned a lot:  the lobster season in Bathurst is only two months - May and June (there are two seasons further south in the Bay of Fundy), you cannot keep any lady lobster with roe on the outside (doing so results in a $5000 fine), or any lobster that is below certain size (there are also two sub categories - canners and market - market being the larger of the two), you sometimes catch really "interesting" things in your trap - sea urchins, crabs (really ... who would want crabs in their trap??!), skate/sole, and my fave, congor eels.  Ugh ....

Glad my removal of said eel provided so much entertainment!  (these things have to be the ugliest fish I have ever seen!  Big huge faces smiling with three rows of teeth attached to a snake body!)

In all we caught ("we" being a bit of a stretch - K did all the work and we provided comic entertainment and the giggles - though the Sweets became quite good at eye-balling what was a throw-back, a canner or a market, me on the other hand just tried to get some sea legs so I didn't fall in the bucket of angry lobsters or overboard!) about 160 lbs of lobster.  For 90 traps that is a good haul (our good captain aims for 1lb a trap!)  The weather was beautiful, the water was as calm as glass, and man those rubber waiders certainly hugged in all the right spots!

But I must say that perhaps the capstone was arriving back on shore at about 9:30 and cracking open a couple Alpine beers while K cooked up the catch.  What a gosh darn amazing experience!!!

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