Monday, May 6, 2013

Be featured in the local newspaper

You know what you really want when you escape outside for a couple moments of sunshine .... to be captured for prosperity by the local paparazzi.

Even better:
- you look like a crazy cat lady who ties up her cat on a leash
- you are reading a Chuck Palahniuk book called "Snuff" about porn (hell, any Chuck book would qualify as "interesting" reading!)
- you are wearing all back so that you blend into the shadows and look deformed
- you pose like .... that!!! Why am I all hunched over?!?  I read enough celebrity magazines that I should know a thing or two!
- be given the title "Just Me and My Cat" so that the aforementioned first comment rings even more true!

But you know what ....

I will admit that I got quite the kick out of being included in the Gleaner!!  It was awesome - like having my name in a song.  I actually got recognized this morning which made me laugh!  And Kaiser is loving his new fame!

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