Sunday, April 21, 2013

Go for a Saturday Wine Tasting at the Wine Station

I may or may not have passed through the Alcool Wine Station on a Saturday and have seen the "Free Wine Tasting" sign, and have fully chickened out about going in ...

(OK so maybe I went into the main wine station area but never to the tasting!)

So when plans were laid yesterday I was super excited.  (I also got to try out Cafe Loca so that should go on the list soon!!) We planned to go to a B-Boy dance off (yes we are that cool....) and then headed off to the Wine Station (* must digress here .... this is the ANBL Alcool New Brunswick Liquor that is located in a former train station - hence our name.  The train does not run here anymore ... but the booze does!)   We arrived, looked at wine and spirits, had wonderful anecdotes, and then low and behold ... we missed the real tasting ....

I didn't cry.

I wasn't even sad.

Because guess what, there was a wine sampling in the regular part - and good golly the wine was fantastic!  (Two bottles are now in my collection!)

So although it was not the traditional sampling I was expecting, this was perfect for the list!!  Thank you Sweet ones!

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